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SaveForIt© is the smartest way to keep your financials on track. Now you are saving and shopping smarter. You can enjoy life without getting overburdenned by debt.

Why SaveForit®

Shopping has typically been a negotiating contest between the seller and the buyer. There are disparate price fluctuations for identical products offered by multiple sellers. Sellers use sales and marketing functions to develop pricing tactics in direct competition with other sellers but rarely aimed at providing you(the buyer) the lowest price or value consideration.

SaveForit® offers a system for the buyer to shop for purchases without being committed until final purchase.

SaveForit® works with the vendors and sellers to get special incentives for our account holders. Since we have a pool of buyers actively looking to spend their money on items on their list, sellers try to offer the perfect incentive to sell their items. Which is usually lot higher than the sales/discount you see in the market. And since your account is absolutely free, you keep your money to yourself.

It's like having a cake and eating it too.

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What if I don't see a SaveForit payment option

Only the preferred vendors will have a SaveForit® payment options. In case you found your item on a non-preffered vendor's site, we provide you with a visa or mastercard and you can use this just like any credit card anywhere.

Remember preferred vendors will always give you more bang for your buck. We also provide you with all the the tool to search through all our preferred vendors discounts, offers and inventory. We want you to get more for your money...always.